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Animation on Sibling Sexual Abuse
Created By SSARC in association with SlackPress Studios.

Why Did My Child Harm Their Sibling?
There is no definite answer to this. It is based on numerous factors and individual differences. Sibling sexual abuse can happen in any...

What is Sibling Sexual Abuse?
Not all sexual behaviours between siblings are harmful, therefore it is important to distinguish behaviours that may be a result of age...

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE Guidelines)
This guideline covers children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviour, including those on remand or serving community or...
Organisations that can help
Below you will find a range of other organisations that may be beneficial to offer further support, resources and guidance for Parents,...

There Is Hope After Sibling Sexual Abuse
Written by the Younique Foundation. There Is Hope After Sibling Sexual Abuse | Younique Foundation A very little key will open a very...

What Should I Do After A Child Tells?
What Should I Do After A Child Tells? When a child discloses sexual abuse, Stop It Now share some important things that the child will...

Ordinary Families
Sibling sexual trauma can happen in ordinary families. Do you find this hard to believe? Is it an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms? Is...

When a Child Sexually Abuses a Sibling: a Mother's Story
A mom of three who discovered that one son was sexually abusing her other two shares her family’s agonizing journey with PEOPLE ...

How Sibling Abuse Impacts The Family with Peter Yates
On this episode, Nancy is joined by Peter Yates on the difficulty of defining Sibling Sexual Abuse Harmful vs. Abusive Could the...

A Conversation with Hope Sittler, A Parent Coping with Sibling Sexual Trauma
In this episode Nancy is joined by Hope Sittler. Hope Sittler is a Mom coping with Sibling Sexual Trauma and an advocate for parents of...

Sibling Sexual Abuse: The Last Taboo?
How the most hidden form of child sexual abuse in the home may also be the most common. Livvy Haydock explores the challenges and...

What is the Underwear Rule? NSPCC
We teach children various safety messages when they are growing up but how do you talk to them about sexual abuse without using scary...
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